I treat NewGrounds as a mirror just as any other art gallery I post to,
however NewGrounds is unique in that I like to use it as a 'Top Picks' kind of gallery. I will post everything here at first while sometimes avoiding some sketches, as I usually just forget to uncheck NG when doing my normal posting.
But once in a while I return here and clean everything up. Re-cropping thumbnails and deleting sketches since I use postybirb for posting.
I've just completed a big purge of old and new works I didn't feel were up to par on 'The Best of the Best'.
If you're missing anything, don't worry!
Those missing pieces are still available in other places.
Follow me if you haven't already~!
I also have a Discord server and Telegram Art Channel!
..and I post to other galleries too!
All of those things are on my
..if you'd like to check out any of those!